SAFETY ALERT: Computer use is traceable and Internet activities can never be fully erased from your hard drive. If you think your computer use might be monitored please find a safer place to surf the web, like at a friend's house or the public library. Or call the 24 hour domestic violence hotline at (707) 255-NEWS (6397) if you are in Napa County or (800) 799-7233 if you are outside of Napa County. If you are viewing our site and need to get away quickly to an unrelated site, click the red ESCAPE button in the upper right corner and you will be redirected. Please test this feature on your computer RIGHT NOW to ensure you are comfortable using it.

En Español Continue

ALERTA DE SEGURIDAD: El uso de una computadora puede ser identificado y actividades en la internet nunca pueden ser totalmente eliminadas del disco duro. Si piensas que tu uso de computadora posiblemente esta siendo monitoriado favor de encontrar un  lugar seguro donde puedas navegar la red social, por ejemplo la casa de una amistad confiable o la biblioteca publica. O llama a nuestra  linea de Violencia Domestica disponible las 24 horas al 707-255-NEWS (6397) si te encuentras en el Valle de Napa, o a este (800) 799-7233 si te encuentras fuera del Condado de Napa. Si estas visitando nuestra pagina y necesitas salirte rapidamente a una pagina no relacionada, oprime el boton rojo de ESCAPE arriba en la esquina de la mano derecha y seras desviado/a. Favor de probar este función en su computadara AHORA MISMO para asegurarse que se sienta comodo/a usando esta función.

Los servicios de NEWS están disponibles para todos, independientemente del estatus migratorio.

In English Continuar
707-255-NEWS (6397)




Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

TDVAM 2025

Welcome to February! A Month of Respect and Action! 

February marks Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), our annual opportunity to shine a spotlight on the critical issue of teen dating violence and promote healthy relationships among young people. The statistics remain stark: 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men who experienced intimate partner violence first encountered it between ages 11 and 17. Together, we can work to change these numbers by fostering respect in every relationship. 

We're excited to announce this year's theme: "Respect That." Selected by the Love is Respect Youth Council, this powerful theme emphasizes that respect isn't just an abstract concept – it's about taking action and maintaining a mindset of dignity and consideration. "Respect That" calls on all of us to: 

  • Treat partners with dignity
  • Listen to and value different viewpoints
  • Honor personal boundaries
  • Support individual autonomy
  • Transform relationships through active respect

Building Respectful Relationships in 2025 

At NEWS, we're aligning our programs with the "Respect That" theme through interactive workshops and activities that demonstrate what respect looks like in action. Our focus is on helping teens recognize, build, and maintain relationships founded on mutual respect and understanding. 

Remember if you or someone you love needs support or advice, we offer confidential YOUth Matter Healthy Relationship Coaching at 13 local middle and high school Wellness Centers. Access our online Self-Referral Form HERE to be put in touch directly with our YOUth Matter coaching staff! 

Carla Andrade-Maston, NEWS Youth Prevention Services Manager

Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy?

Take the Quiz by Love is Respect to find out!

Listen TDVAM!

Listen to our TDVAM Ad from KVYN Radio

Listen to our TDVAM Ad from KVON Spanish Radio

Orange4Love Conchas at La Cheve!

Join our #orange4love partner, La Cheve Bakery and Brews, at 376 Soscol Ave in Napa, and grab an orange concha to show your support! La Cheve will be baking orange conchas February 6th through 10th to bring awareness to Teen Dating Violence. So, stop by La Cheve and pick some up!

#Orange4Love Dates and Activities:

  • Respect Week: February 10 – February 14
  • Wear Orange Day Tuesday February 11th
  • Self-Love Day Friday February 14th
  • Napa Valley District Attorney’s Window Display created by the FNL students at NewTech Highschool: February 3 though 29th  

Look for NEWS! We'll be tabling at various school campuses during the month of February!

For more information about our YOUthMatter healthy relationships/coaching services, please click HERE.


NEWS is committed to providing confidential, judgment-free support to all teens in our community. Our services are available to everyone, regardless of gender, orientation, or background.