We Need Your Support!
Your compassionate gift to NEWS becomes a lifeline for vulnerable adults and children seeking refuge from domestic violence and sexual assault in our community. Behind every donation is a story of hope restored—a safe place to sleep, a shoulder to lean on, and a path toward healing. Your generosity directly funds our life-saving programs including emergency shelter, healing support groups, vital court advocacy, and transitional housing that helps survivors rebuild their lives with dignity - for all children, teens, and adults.
Ways to Give
- Online: Make one-time or monthly contributions. Click here!
- Mail: Send check to 1141 Pear Tree Lane, Suite 220, Napa, CA 94558
- Workplace: Set up automatic payroll deductions
- Planned Giving: Consider NEWS in your estate planning
- Corporate Partnership: Are you a local business, make an annual investment!
- In-Kind Donations: Contact us about non-cash contribution guidelines
For more inforamtion, contact Jennifer Abram,
NEWS has a trusted track record for responsible use of funds: 85% of the funds NEWS receives go directly to services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Although, we think that without a safe building for victims to come to, and people who work at overseeing the best use of funds, we wouldn't be able to help like we do... so we believe that 100% of funds are used to help victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse!
Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others. -- Barbara Bush