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Los servicios de NEWS están disponibles para todos, independientemente del estatus migratorio.

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707-255-NEWS (6397)





If you or someone you know has been a victim of  Domestic Violence or Sexual Abuse, please contact our NEWS team. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide resources and support. Please call our Help Line, (707) 255-NEWS, or contact us online HERE.

You can remain anonymous, or you can come see us in person from 8 to 5 M-F at our business office, 1141 Pear Tree Lane, Suite 220, in Napa. All services are free and confidential. We won’t judge or tell you what to do. We can be a sounding board for you and can offer you information and resources. 
NEWS services are available to everyone, regardless of immigration status.

Note: unless noted, stock photos are used and minor details edited to protect the survivor's anonymity

“I felt tired and sick all the time”

“I hadn’t been to the doctor in over a year. I knew that I had Type 2 Diabetes, but with the stress and instability of my abusive marriage I had not been monitoring my glucose level. I didn’t have medical insurance and I couldn’t afford the medications anyway.  Needless to say, I had not been feeling well for quite some time. Once my shelter case manager found out about it, she got me to OLE Health the next day. NEWS paid for the appointment and my prescriptions. Then they helped me apply for MediCal so I could continue to take care of my health. I feel so much better now.”

(Woman, Napa, Shelter Program)

Thank you for being so chill and relatable!

“Thank you for coming and being part of CLARA with us. Thank you for making CLARA even more fun and being so chill with us. I appreciate you for talking with us about topics we are afraid of talking with to our parents. I’m gonna miss you! Come again next year, please! ♥”

(Teen girl, Calistoga, YOUth Matter MIddle and High School Education Program, Teaching Healthy Relationships)

Tony has helped NEWS provide back-to-school backpacks filled with school supplies to over 100 children exposed to trauma each year

“Kelsea and I want the kids to know that there are people out there who care about their education. The youth are the future and we want to help them and their families not have to worry about the stress of affording school supplies. We want to take some of that pressure off of their shoulders and let them focus on their education.”

(Tony & Kelsea Aguilera, Bodega Shipping Co NV, Kids Exposed to Domestic Violence (KEDS) Program)

“I got a new job, but I couldn’t get to work”

“I needed a California Driver’s license so I could drive my daughter to school and get to my new job. I had outstanding tickets from another state that I escaped my abuser from that needed to be paid in order to get the driver’s license.  NEWS braided funds from a variety of sources to pay off my fines and fees. They even called the court in the other state and also did what was necessary to get my bench warrant dismissed. I was then able to get my license. They estimated that it cost about $3,000, but it changed the course of my life forever.”

(Woman, Napa, Self Sufficiency & Housing Program)

“The way that they talk is like you’re a real person”

“Just when you walk in to NEWS, even the way they greet you…they’ll offer you a beverage…It’s just like, I don’t know, you just feel like they are happy that you are here, and that you’re not bothering  them, and everyone the way that they speak is very…I don’t know what it is. It’s just a demeanor, I guess. I feel especially contrasted with places like the welfare office or court where you really are on the defense. Like ‘What do you want? Prove it. Where are your documents?’ They’re never like that here. They’re like, ‘Okay, we can work with that. Don’t worry about it.’ I guess it’s a little thing, but it is…it’s just the way that they talk is like you’re a real person. They’re happy that you are here.”

(Woman, St. Helena, Crisis Intervention Services)